On December 23rd, 2020, one of our contacts, Damini*, a Starseed who is in close contact with the Arcturian race, had a vivid dream. Among the various messages, experiences, and dreams/visions that we receive, this bears strong links between the Human race, the Reptilians, and the actual situation on

Diego Antolini

25/01/2021 11:36:27

On January 1, 2021, we conducted an RV session with one of our close collaborators. The coordinates for the viewer were 2021. The topic, the world's situation amidst the staged "Pandemics" who is still consciously fueled by the media, and blindly followed by most governments around the globe.

Diego Antolini

12/01/2021 18:01:05

What appears to be a 'terrestrial' historical process is in fact an interplanetary one. The Earth's role in the Solar System (which, according to the Mayan Cosmology, had a central star – the Sun – and at least ten planets) is to maintain the resonating frequency, along with the other planets,

Diego Antolini

09/05/2018 18:51:06

The genesis of the "Nemesis Theory" or of the Sun's dark companion, dates back to 1983, when Professor Louis Alvarez (Berkeley University, California) advanced the theory that the disappearance of dinosaurs was caused by a mighty impact between Earth and a giant meteorite.

Diego Antolini

02/05/2018 18:59:44

Sitchin writes of the existence of a document which would contain a message from deep space. In it, a complete description of the Earth's position, the coordinates and the direction to reach Earth is explained..

Diego Antolini

25/04/2018 16:13:51

In the Native Americans’ Folk-lore of the creation of the world there are several references about an unnatural “intervention” in the birth of man, which match perfectly with Sitchin’s studies:

Diego Antolini

18/04/2018 17:23:52

According to Aristotle, for instance, the Pythagoreans with their studies on numbers had a mathematical idea of the Universe very similar to the Egyptian and the Mesopotamian civilizations (the more so if we consider that Pythagoras learnt much of his wide esoteric knowledge first in Egypt, and then in

Diego Antolini

12/04/2018 19:56:10

There are stars that possess enough mass to collapse within themselves, thus forming black holes. Within the black holes there is a point called “singularity” where the laws of Physics could cease to be. In that point the curvature of the Space-Time becomes endlessly large, and modern science is not

Diego Antolini

14/03/2018 22:47:50

Among the effects the arrival of Nibiru could cause on Earth - inversion of the Poles and axes sliding - a deceleration of the planet's motion is feared. Such deceleration would lead to a complete, three-day stop of the earth's rotation, as the "Prophecies ot the Three Days of Darkness" state:

Diego Antolini

05/02/2018 03:47:44

The tale of the Opening of the Seven Seals describes a series of events that occurred or that are still ongoing (the first five Seals) or that still have to come (Sixth and Seventh Seal) shortly. About the last two seals, their opening will cause plenty of catastrophes and destruction, marked by the sound of

Diego Antolini

05/02/2018 03:38:41

Recent astronomical data confirm the discovery of another planet in our Solar System, a planet whose orbit is so wide that its transit between Mars and Jupiter would occur only every 3,600 years. The Sumerians were aware of the existence of a planet, which they called Nibiru or “The Planet of the

Diego Antolini

04/02/2018 17:49:08