The Compression Force: A Remote Viewer's Travel

On January 1, 2021, we conducted an RV session with one of our close collaborators. The coordinates for the viewer were 2021. The topic, the world's situation amidst the staged "Pandemics" who is still consciously fueled by the media, and blindly followed by most governments around the globe.

What follows is the full transcript of the session. We refrained from making any interpretation or comments, leaving the ultimate judgement to the reader's opinion.

Session Begins.

Guide: Go to the place where you best can see this conflict, this war between the forces against humanity, and humanity.

RV: The conflicts originates from an extraterrestrial dimension. It’s a timeless conflict, it has always existed, and both sides are aware that it has now reached a decisive point like never before in Earth’s history, although in the dimension where they dwell time doesn’t exist. Both forces can manipulate Time, and there is a balance that must be kept.

One, the Parasitic Force, I see it like a shapeless tangle of darkness, not smooth, all entangled, very twisted, which alone creates, through its contortions creates points of static energy. The more it twists trying to disentangle, the deeper plunges itself into these static energy points.

And its anger increases, knowing that this force cannot free itself, but only keep twisting in on itself.This is why, when it will reach all the static energy points it won’t be able to do anything anymore. This growing anger is linked to its very nature, it knows that there is nothing it can do to change condition, it is a twisting, self-limiting force. Throughout the Planet’s history, it attempted to exit this status in every possible way, scientific, genetic, but it knows that that is its nature, the way it was created. And this awareness stirs its uncontrollable anger even more.
The other force, a well organized and harmonious energy, I could say a mathematical force, likewise was created in this way, it cannot modify its nature, it can only emit harmonies that organize all that they touch, planets or persons.

Both are impersonal forces, without ego. They are energies operating within the balance of creation, and were created. The only difference is that the Harmonic Energy cannot end, as it produces ever more harmony; while the other force, that has its ending in its very origin, can but twisting in on itself until the point where it will no longer be able to move. On reaching this point, its power will be no more.
This point is near, for as it twists to find a way out of its fate, it weakens.
The Harmonic Energy doesn’t have the impulse to attack. It is always there, in harmony, working with harmonic vibrations, it doesn’t have the will to fight against the other force. It is the dark, twisting force that has a will to survive against itself. It knows it will never be able to, and yet it keeps this will strong to cleanse its destiny. This force does not understand that to change its destiny it needs to change itself. By modifying itself, it will change its twisting and it won’t be a dark force anymore.

Were it to do this, it would be another being, but it cannot do it, so it perpetuates its anger and aggressiveness endlessly.

This conflict happens on a different dimension, but of course it influences Earth and our reality. Here is how the Dark Force manipulates the energies on our planet. There is a resonance. The creation is in a status of equilibrium, there are human beings with a dark side dominating their harmonic part, doing nothing to reverse this status, and therefore this Dark Force, twisting and twisting inside of them, grows and take up more space. It compresses and crushes, and since the Harmonic Force has no need to survive, can be totally annihilated unless the subject has a conscious will to embrace it.

This is the great danger, because if we as humanity do not choose to increase our harmonic side, the Dark Force, rabid and dying as it is, would have even more power to occupy the harmonic space of every human being. For there is a resonance, it doesn’t need to do anything. In that dimension, the DarkForce resonates inside and outside of us.

So those who do nothing to raise their harmonic part, vibrational, cellular, physical, mental, environmental, all that is within the human realm, including the physical aspect...Every human is surrounded by his own environment that he can interact with. By willing it, a human being can widen his harmonic side so that, once it becomes larger than the Dark Force, can influence the outside. The will to do it, and the knowledge on how to do it are both necessary, because even though the Harmonic Force spreads naturally, we possess Free Will, and if we don’t choose, we don’t make things any easier for it. If we don’t choose, the Harmonic Force stops expanding.

The danger is that the humanity as a whole won’t make it in time to set itself free before the Dark Force dyes out. And, therefore, when the Dark Force ceases to be all those who had it compressed inside will die as well. Ever more individuals are working to increase their harmony, now. Do not let your physical, mental, environmental space be taken by the Dark Force that it is rather active in its twisting and spreading circle.
Once the Dark Force’s twisting has completed its compression, the Harmonic Force can do nothing. This is what we call “The Battle between Good and Evil” within the human being.

We, and the Universe, are made of these two forces, and we must handle them via our Free Will. It is us who make the decision. They act according to their nature.

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