Our planet, our Solar System, and the whole Universe are plunged into fields of vibrations, dimensions, energetic layers, to which is possible to enter only beyond our material body (otherwise we could also see them:) This is what the ancient oracles did, as well as the modern mediums today. This is what

Diego Antolini

03/10/2018 18:57:30

The manipulation of the medicine is the last piece of the Confraternity’s master plan (but it is of paramount importance, along with the mind control and more than the creation of a World Bank, World Army, and the World Government, because it regards the human being in its deepest aspect.)

Diego Antolini

26/09/2018 19:05:09

Talking about the conspiracy that has been engulfing the planet for centuries (or, maybe, for millennia) under its tentacles is not an easy task, first and foremost because of the wall of secrecy surrounding its principal actors: the access to the information regarding the plans, the objectives

Diego Antolini

19/09/2018 15:06:06

That Earth (or Terra, as it seems our planet is known among the Visitors) has been an object of interest since prehistoric times is something that today we should take as an indubitable truth. Too many religions, myths and legends, folk lore from all around the globe indicate that “Visitors from

Diego Antolini

10/07/2017 12:08:27