world in which we live, and the physical reality which our senses
perceive is a spectrum of frequencies within an infinite vibratory
and multidimensional system. Our limit is the solidity of our conditioning,
that is, the conviction that only what we can touch and observe is
the existing reality.
planet, our Solar System, and the whole Universe are plunged into
fields of vibrations, dimensions, energetic layers, to which is
possible to enter only beyond our material body (otherwise we could
also see them:) This is what the ancient oracles did, as well as the
modern mediums today. This is what animals sense. They all tuned in
their energy on a different vibratory plane, thereby accessing upper
or lower dimensional levels.
are beginning to understand and accept this, and the quest for a
Great Unified Theory of Physics goes to that direction. The Universe
is not made of just four dimensions (Length, Height, Width, and
Time), as physicist Giuliana Conforto says:
good 90% of the total estimated mass is actually obscure and
invisible, while only a 10% is visible thanks to the infinite rainbow
that is light. The visible Universe that we observe, with its
billions of stars and galaxies, is itself just a limited part of this
little 10%. Within each body there is an invisible reality, but
larger (90%,) an invisible substance that can be felt and experienced
through emotions, intuitions, and sensations...”
are surrounded by an immense variety of frequencies that cross us,
and cross Space and Time without our realizing it; they too ignore
one another because they are so distant and different. Sometimes they
cross each other, and interfere when they flow at a very close
distance on the frequency band. Multidimensional entities are
continuously around us, but most of the time we ignore each other;
when our consciousness, willingly or accidentally, tunes in to their
‘frequencies’, then we witness the ‘apparition’ of a ghost,
or of an alien. If their frequency is very different respecting the
density parameters of our ‘vibratory plane’, seeing a ‘spirit’
walking through a wall should not be so surprising. According to
David Icke:
ultra dimensional entities, including the Reptilians, are all around
us, and share the same space with us. Sometimes you can feel them,
when the vibrations inside a room change, and freezing cold
temperatures are felt. Or, in the case of positive entities, a
diffuse feeling of love can be sensed. They are very close to our
frequency spectrum, just outside of it. Credo Mutwa speaks of a ‘Dark
Zone’ in the mind of the people, which keeps them from seeing such
entities. I believe that this is somehow forced upon us from the
outside, probably through the broadcasting of a certain frequency
from underground, which suppresses part of our multidimensional,
genetic potential...”
world as we see it, therefore, is only what we perceive from a given
frequency. By ‘switching the channel’, the vibration, we would
change the frequency as well. That would be for us our only reality,
with other physical, psychic, material, and energetic parameters.
Probably, in the same way as now, through our senses, we don’t feel
any frequency other than that which we live in, we wouldn’t realize
to have changed frequency, because the reference parameters would
change with it.
is why it is absurd to think that this is the only possible world,
and that this reality is ‘the one and the only’, and that there
is nothing beyond this live. It is wrong and limiting.
Albert Einstein developed his Law of Conservation of Energy E=mC2,
he officially stated that it is not possible to destroy energy, but
only change it. This means that our essence is immortal.
life, our physical experience, is but a manifestation of our
thinking. We are what we think we are...Do you think you are an
ordinary person? Then you shall be an ordinary person...Do you think
that the best things in life happen to the others? Then it shall be.
Everything is created by this dense spectrum of
frequency we live in...the time frame between a thought and its
physical manifestation may be very long, but thoughts are always at
the origin of everything...”
very modern existentialism lays its foundations upon the opposition
between essence and existence of the self: J.P.Sartre speaks of the
encounter between two individuals as a destructive clash for both.
According to Sartre, such an encounter happens only when one
individual steps into the world (i.e. the thinking solidifies into
the matter) of another, thereby destroying the exclusive relationship
said individual has with his/her own world. What is the solution? To
submit, hate and annihilate the other, in order to preserve your own
exclusivity, that is, your individual existence which, in turn, is
power over the others. This is incidentally the same method used by
the Reptilians (see The Mind Control II.)
understand how the Confraternity’s Illuminati, and the Reptilians,
could have operated for such a long time on Earth, and to better
grasp the Conspiracy Agenda that they are carrying out, it is
necessary to explore their minds, and their thoughts.
is a bond between the Reptilians and the human brain, allowing the
former to create illusions, and to the latter to receive and assume
them as the only existing reality. Carl Sagan said:
are in the Universe more potential combinations of DNA than atoms...”
means it’s more likely to find physical form combined in logical
way rather than loosened particles of matter. Sagan, like other
scientists, firmly believed in the existence of other worlds, other
life forms able to interact with the Universe in a rational way. Some
researchers have stated that, had the dinosaurs survived extinction,
they would have evolved today in a Humanoid-Reptilian form, and would
have learned to think. There are scientists who are convinced that
some of these prehistoric animals still live underground, and this
hypothesis doesn’t sound so fantastic to us.
some paleontological excavations in Alberta, Canada, the remains of a
small carnivorous were found. It measured about 2 meters in length
and weighted 40 kg. The dinosaur was estimated to have lived about 75
million of years ago. The peculiarity of this creature, later called
Troodon, was its cranium, whose size was larger than other saurians.
Dale Russell, a paleontologist at the North Carolina University,
studied the Troodon’s femur in order to establish its IQ. This
resulted to be 0.3.
Homo Sapiens has an IQ. of 7.5, so the Troodon’s figure is
apparently meaningless. But at its time, that figure meant to possess
an intelligence superior to the small mammals of the Cretaceous. The
Troodon sported other outstanding characteristics, such as two long
‘arms’ with 3 digits and a thumb, which was essential for
manipulating and using the objects, and two bulky eyes with night and
day stereoscopic vision (capable to determine distance and position
of an object.)
Russell speculated that toward the end of the Cretaceous a new
species of reptiles was developing, possessing all the success
features that led to the development of the primates.
million of years later, in the middle of the Mesozoic Age, the
dinosaurs disappears and, with them, the Troodonites’ evolutionary
path. Russell’s conclusion is logical: had the meteorite that wiped
out the dinosaurs not impacted the Earth, some of these creatures
would have evolved into ‘Sauromorphs’, Humanoid-Reptoids like the
Draco race.
Russell was hired by the NASA to draft a report about the possible
physiognomy of an extraterrestrial. Russell, taking from the Troodon,
developed a creature he called Dinosauroid.
November 2000 an international team of paleontologists announced the
finding, in 1993 Germany, of the fossil of a bipedal reptile, who had
been imprisoned into a whole block of stone. This fossil dates back
to at least 300 million years, and this demolished all the previous
evolutionary theories about reptiles, because this little saurian
(25-30 cm long) called Eudibamus Cursoris, doesn’t display any
element of continuity with the species of dinosaurs later developed.
structure of the skeleton allowed to establish that the Eudibamus was
able to run very fast on its tiptoes, using its arms as “rudders”,
by oscillating them like a pendulum. According to the scientists the
movement was very similar to that of human beings when running.
the Reptilian presence on Earth, Alan Walton said:
the reports and even photographs of human footprints found fossilized
into dinosaurs’ prints, suggesting a common existence – I have
found some interesting biological facts about the ‘Reptilians’.
It looks like that biologists agree on the fact that snakes derive
from lizards, and that lizards come from larger ‘thunder lizards’
or the ancient dinosaurs. And what was the oldest dinosaur ever
found?...The Eoraptor (the forerunner of the extremely smart and
skilled Velociraptors…), and a similar bipedal saurian that walked
on its hind legs like a man, was of the size of a man, and had limbs
suitable to grab and rip off the flesh. It is called Herrerasaurus:
both were carnivorous, even though between the Eoraptor and the
Herrerasaurus do exist enough similarities and differences to
speculate about the existence of a common ancestor ‘few branches
down’ the saurian tree...”
is the nexus between human beings and these ‘Proto-reptoids’ whose
existence is lost within the most remote history of Earth?
link could be in that particular part of our brain, called by the
scientists R-Complex or ‘Reptilian Brain’. It is the most evident
clue that we possess a partial reptilian genetic makeup.
to biologists and geneticists the R-Complex represents the center of
our nervous system, and its origin should be found in a reptile
similar to a mammal that lived during the Triassic Age (200-250
million of years ago) all over the world. Could it really be that in
the past, men and reptiles had a common bond? Some theories seem to
go down that road, backed up by interesting analysis made observing
the analogies between the human and the reptilian’s behaviors. Skip
Largent writes:
are at least five human behaviors that originate from the Reptilian human activities they are thus expressed:
obsessive-compulsive behavior; repetitive personal rituals, and
superstitious practices; constant conformity to the old way of doing
things, picked them out of ancient ceremonials; homage to the
previous ones in the fields of law, religion, and culture...and
various types of deceptions...”