TXP Live: Nicolò Di Lella Ep#8

Episode Overview

Series: The Inner Way

Classification: CEX-IV

Subject: Nicolò Di Lella (Italy)

Interview by: The X-Plan Group (Italy)

Episode: #8 - The Lives of the Soul Beyond Time

In This Episode: Live Stream special with Nicolò Di Lella who visited The X-Plan Group HQ. In this episode Nicolò and Diego speak of the cycles of the soul, of how to escape Time and the mind to live the Here and Now; of the limits of religions, and the huge difference which exists between reality and Truth. Nicolò has then recalled for the first time in public the experienced of his "reawakening," closing the evening with a mention to the "Space Brothers."

Release Date: 07/26/2020

Duration: 01:20:39

Streaming Platform: You Tube Channel