We Were Never Alone

The Valmalenco Files #0

We first heard about Valmalenco in the late 2016, when we received a message from a local person asking if we knew anything about the events that were baffling people and authorities over there since at least 2011.
It took us several months of research to collect data and information about the various sightings reported and published in local newspapers and, in couple of cases, covered by national media.

We determined that the sightings and the stories coming from that small valley nested at the border with Switzerland was worth a closer look, so preparations for a field investigation began.
On June 2017 we went there for three days, met with our local contact, spoke with various witnesses (who were not so eager to speak up), and heard stories who went way beyond those published in the newspapers.

Then, we had the chance to look at some photographs, never published before, never disclosed to anybody. Those photographed made us realized the extent of the phenomena, and what it is really going on up there.
We couldn't take that material, but we promised to go back again.
The last evening we held a conference where we spoke about a Alien Interference, in the hope to let people understand that there have been similar cases, that are still happening and that they are not alone, as long as competent and knowledgeable people are informed about the various dynamics of the Valmalenco Phenomena, they can speak up for the locals and attempt an explanation.

A year went by, during which we never lost contact with Valmalenco. Occasionally we received news and updates, while we were silently working on getting to that unique photographic material that would  shock the Exobiology community from their very roots. Never in the history of the Alien presence on Earth we can recall to have seen such material published before.

2018. Nexus Italy's Tom Bosco and The X-Plan Group join forces to study the Valmalenco phenomena. This leads to our second field investigation – the first for Tom – in Valmalenco.
We arrived there in the middle of June, again for three days. But this time we were led to certain areas around the Pizzo Scalino, the mountain peak around which most of the sightings have occurred, and experienced a breach in our dimensional reality. All three of us, for several minutes, were completely isolated inside a "bubble" which didn't let any sound, any noise in. We could still hear our voices, but nothing from the outside.
This was our second experience in the "bubble", for in another extraordinary event, the appearance of the "Shadow of the Sibyl" in the Sibillini Mountains (Read the Article), we felt exactly the same thing: absence of sound, stillness of nature, as if everything around us had stopped. Now we can connect the dots.

Back to our cabin under a bright full moon which lit up the trail, we went to our rooms. About half an hour later we received a call: our guide was outside, watching two orange/yellow lights rising from the Bernina Mountains (approximately where the big Dam is located – a key point that we will develop in future articles) and hovering for a while in the sky, before fading away.
We couldn't get out in time to see them, but about 40 min later, another phone call urged us outside. Two metallic blue lights appeared in the woods on the opposite side from where we stood. The night, that about an hour before was as bright as daylight, was pitch black (and remained black for the whole time we observed the occurrence). We tried to see beyond the two lights, but our night binoculars didn't help. The lights were fixed, they were definitely not flashlights, there were not lanterns.
We observed them for almost an hour, then we retired.

The following morning we went to the area where the lights were, in search for signs of human presence, or some sort of equipment.
While still at the cabin checking our gear, 4 photographs were taken, right above us, showing an unconventional rounded object hovering still. To the naked eye we couldn't see anything, but the camera somehow was able to capture it.

The idea of being watched didn't hold us back. We went straight to the area of the blue lights and started to explore the mound, the depression behind, the rocks, shrubs and trees.

We found signs. Someone was there last night, from a spiked rock overlooking our cabin.
We found tracks. Three clawed fingers climbing the rock.
We found more tracks. The scratch mark of three claws on a soft patch between rocks
We found more tracks. Large, 4-fingered paws similar to those of a big cat or feline.
We found one more track. Very similar to the paw, only 3 times bigger.
What was there, watching, on that night? How many types?

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