NIBIRU - The Science

Alan Alford, in walking on Zecharia Sitchin's path, has studied Nibiru extensively; he is basically in accord with Sitchin about the existence and the orbiting period of the "Twelfth Planet". Alford says:

"...the astronomers are in search of a 'Planet X' whose features...correspond to those of Nibiru...In recent years a lot of criticism has been the theory of 'Planet X', which were based upon illogical...argumentation, and it is not a surprise that those who believe in the theory, like astronomer Tom Van Flaandern, keep advocating it...
I believe that the attempts of debunking the Planet X could have been...staged to avoid deep consequences that would arise upon the planet's discovery...As a matter of fact the systematic debunking coincided with billions of dollars spent in the making of space telescopes...

Alford, however, disputes Sitchin's chronology, claiming that there is a fundamental mistake in the calculations due to the fact the Babylonians had "...interpreted the data erroneously..."

Furio Stella, in his article  "The Other Face of Planet X" (Nexus issue #41), gives a list of various scientists who, in the last fifty years, have suggested, announced, calculated, and observed the presence of a "Tenth Planet Beyond Pluto,"

"...From the announcement of astronomer Joseph Brady in 1972, which of Planet X...had calculated mass and orbit, until the most recent studies of John Murray and John Matese (1999), or those of the Dutch scientist Govert Schilling (2001) who...had spoken of a celestial body "at least as big as Mars" and with a revolution period around the Sun of "about 3.300 years" arrive at the last statement made by two Californian scientist of the Pasadena Technology Institute who...watching the sky by the Mount Palomar's telescope ascertained that another planet beyond Pluto actually exists. They are so sure about this to give it...a name, Quaoar, as a praise to the "great force of nature" of the local Indians. Unfortunately...Quaoar is in fact one tenth of the Earth, and orbits around the Sun in...288 years..."

Renato Falomo, of the Padua Observatory has given his personal opinion about Nibiru:

"One thing is to see certain phenomena through the orbital deviations of probes with respect to the accepted gravitational theories...However to conjecture about the presence of a planet would be too is too big of a step and unreasonable. There could be scores of different explanations...At the moment we simply don't have any indication that would lead us to affirm or deny this matter..."

In his study "The Tenth Planet" Pasquale Borriello collects the most notable hypotheses formulated by the scientific world:

The first hypothesis seems to corroborate the "planetary theory" about Nibiru:

"...It is a planet with a mass between 1 and 10 times that of Jupiter, and which revolves around the sun at a distance of 5000 billions of kilometers..."

Some scientists, among them Murray, support the hypothesis of the formation of the planet external to our Solar System; Later, the enormous gravitational field of the System itself could have attracted the planet, stabilizing it within the current orbit.

Withmire holds that this object would be a brown dwarf, that is, a star which formed from the gravitational collapsing of an interstellar gas cloud. The brown dwarf possesses a little mass, too little to spark the thermonuclear reactions necessary to become a proper star. According to Withmire there were two stars at the formation of the Solar System: one was the Sun, and the other was a smaller star which distanced from it and cooled off.

The genesis of the "Nemesis Theory" or of the Sun's dark companion, dates back to 1983, when Professor Louis Alvarez (Berkeley University, California) advanced the theory that the disappearance of dinosaurs was caused by a mighty impact between Earth and a giant meteorite.
Others suggested that the mass extinctions ensuing such impacts occurred with regularity, something like every 25 million years.
Richard A. Muller, Alvarez's graduate, proposed the hypothesis that these 'bombings' were the result of the presence of a celestial body that, at regular intervals, would come into our Solar System; He called this object Nemesis, and classified it as a yet to be discovered Red Dwarf. If this were true, our Solar System would be in fact a binary system like that of Omicron Ceti ('Mira') Zeta Reticuli, or Sirius.

A second hypothesis can be divided into three parts: according to some experts the planet would station between the sun and the Earth, and would have been known and observed by the people in the ancient world; others state that the existence of a planet beyond Pluto would be more likely. This planet would be responsible for Pluto's orbital deviations, but there is still no mathematical evidence to support this view; the third viewpoint considers the possibility of a planet orbiting between the Earth and Pluto, but it doesn't hold too much credit among the researchers.

Other scientists have speculated, in the past two decades, upon the concrete possibility that a planet, known by the Sumerians as Nibiru (and nicknamed 'Planet X' today), may in fact exist, somewhere out there around our Solar System.

Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval and John Grigsby wrote about the problem of a "Tenth Planet" in their book "The Mars Mystery", and of a civilization that could have had a leading role in our social and technological evolution:

"...An alternative and more radical theory, supported by a number of scientists, holds that Earth were deliberately 'terraformed' about 3.9 Billion of years ago...Such theory takes from the existence of an advanced civilization which developed on a wandering star...which ran across the whole Universe...
Science has not been able to explain how, why, when, and where life appeared for the first time. Did it all begin here on Earth? It is just one possibility. Is it the result of an accidental combination of molecules in the 'primordial soup'? is just a hypothesis, in the same way as it is the opposite view...that life is the work of a creator...

Why, then, ruling out the existence of 'another' planet orbiting around our Solar System only because we can't observe it (or, can we?). It would be like stating that 'we are sure to be the only living beings in the Universe because it is not possible that others exist.' But what is not possible? Both Mathematics and Physics allow the fact that through calculations and measurements we can reasonably speculate the existence and structure of an object before we can even see it! Why, then, rejecting the presence of a "Tenth Planet" which enters our Solar System at regular intervals, when we have records from the past, a past which is, perhaps, a lot more mysterious than what historians believe?

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