NIBIRU - Ancient Documents III

Part III

Before closing this section we deem it mandatory to illustrate, in brief, the study and the researches of Zecharia Sitchin about Nibiru. In his book, "The Twelfth Planet", he connects the Sumerian mythology with that of Greece (we should talk, more appropriately, of cosmology): in the beginning there was chaos; then Gea (Earth) and Uranus (the Heavens) were created. They begot twelve Titans (six males and six females).

"...It also appears that the number twelve was a requirement...There could be no more than twelve Olympians, but no fewer than twelve, either. The original Olympus was described by the Odyssey as lying in the "pure upper air." The original Twelve Great Gods were Gods of Heaven who had come down to Earth; and they represented the twelve celestial bodies in the 'vault of Heaven.'..."

The Latin names the Romans gave to the Greek gods confirm this astral association: Gaea = Earth, Ermes = Mercury, Aphrodite = Venus, Ares = Mars, Cronus = Saturn, Zeus = Jupiter.

Sitchin then talks about the Greek civilization, placing it geographically into the island of Crete, where the Minoan civilization flourished. On that island the people worshiped the bull under the mythological form of the Minotaur:

"...Archaeological finds have confirmed the extensive Minoan worship of the bull, and some cylinder seals depict the bull as a divine being accompanied by a cross symbol, which stood for some unidentified star or planet...."

This leads to interpret the worshiping of the bull as the terrestrial symbol of the constellation of Taurus, assuming that the cult stemmed from some event occurred "when the Sun's spring equinox appeared in that constellation, circa 4000 B.C."

The Greek Pantheon's roots are to be found, according to Sitchin, in Asia Minor.

According to the Veda (various compositions regarding the deity), the god all belonged to only one family:

"...The gods Rahu ("demon") and Ketu ("disconnected") were once a single celestial body...but the God of Storms hurled his flaming weapon at him, cutting him into two parts - Rahu, the "Dragon's Head," which unceasingly traverses the heavens in search of vengeance, and Ketu, the 'Dragon's Tail.'..."

The Hindu Pantheon, in the same way as the Greece, was composed by 12 principal gods. Sitchin highlights the connection between the mythology of those civilizations found near Mesopotamia, such as the Greeks and the Hindu, and the Sumerians cosmology. The relationship between the gods and the planets is so important to represent the key, says Sitchin, to unravel the mystery of the creation of our Solar System.

"...THE SUGGESTION that Earth was visited by intelligent beings from elsewhere postulates the existence of another celestial body upon which intelligent beings established a civilization more advanced than ours...The Sumerians accepted the existence of such a "Heavenly Abode," a "pure place," a "primeval abode." While Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursag went to Earth and made their home upon it..."

The Sumerian texts clearly state that the Mesopotamian people saw their gods "landing" on Earth, and then going back up to their "Heavenly Abodes" at will; this can only meant that these gods didn't come from far away galaxies but, rather, they were coming from within our Solar System.

Sitchin continues outlining how the Sumerians were absolutely certain that our Solar System was composed of twelve planets (they included the Sun and the Moon as well), and that the Twelfth (or Tenth) Planet was the place of origin of the Anunnaki and the Nephilim.

"...We must remember that up to 1871 [date of the discovery of Uranus] was believed that our Solar System was composed by only seven planets including the sun and the moon. The earth was not included in the count because it was set at the center, while the other celestial bodies were orbiting around it [geocentric vision of the Universe]...
Franza Kugler analyzed some Chaldean texts finding 'mulmul ul-shu 12' (mulmul is a belt of 12), ten of which formed an independent group...

According to Sitchin, Mulmul was our Solar System.
Again, on the importance of number twelve among the people in the Ancient World:

"To explain the three Chaldean 'ways' and the list of 36 celestial bodies, the Greek scholar Diodorus stated that 'of those heavenly gods, twelve hold the utmost authority...'
Several studies show that the division of the year in twelve months was connected since the beginning with twelve great gods; that the twelve months are deeply linked to the twelve constellations, and that both originated from twelve main celestial bodies...

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