NIBIRU - Genesis

Zecharia Sitchin was a Russian linguists and historian. An expert of the Sumerian civilization, he was one of the few scholars capable of deciphering the Cuneiform characters. Sitchin takes as certain and realistic, although confusing, all that is commonly called mythology. All that represents the customs and the traditions of people, from ancient lore to the folk tales, from figures painted inside temples or upon tools and objects, to the various rituals, ceremonial dances and chants, would be nothing but faint memories of real facts.

Recent astronomical data confirm the discovery of another planet in our Solar System, a planet whose orbit is so wide that its transit between Mars and Jupiter would occur only every 3,600 years. The Sumerians were aware of the existence of a planet, which they called Nibiru or “The Planet of the Crossing”, that came from deep space, far beyond our Solar System. Its inhabitants, the Anunnaki, began to visit the Earth about 500,000 years ago, and the chronicles of those days can be found – according to Sitchin – in all our Ancient Texts such as the Bible or the Book of Gilgamesh.

The Enuma Elish (“When Above”) dates back to more than 4,000 years ago; it is written in cuneiform characters and is composed of seven tablets describing the formation of our Solar System in the form of a narrative.

"Enuma elish la nabu shamamu (When the sky above was not named
Shaplitu ammatum shuma la zakrat" And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name)

This is how the Enuma Elish begins. Originally only three gods exist: Apsu (“One Who Exists From The Beginning”), Mummu (“One Who Was Born Of Waters”), and Tiamat (“Maiden Of Life”).
From the stirring of the primordial waters (basic element of the universe) were created Lahmu (“Deity Of War”) and Lahamu (“Lady Of Battles”). Later appeared Anshar (“Prince Foremost Of The Heavens”) and Kishar (“Foremost Of The Firm Lands”) who generated Anu (“He Of The Heavens”) and Gaga. Another god, Ea, is mentioned as “Artful Creator”

The parallel between the gods of the Mesopotamian texts and the planets of our Solar System led to the identification of Apsu with the Sun, Mummu with Mercury, Lahamu with Venus, Lahmu with Mars, Tiamat with Earth, Kishar with Jupiter, Anshar with Saturn, Gaga with Pluto, Anu with Uranus, and Ea/Enki with Neptune.
The tablets continue describing the turbulent and irregular orbits of the planets, a series of chaotic occurrences that finally brought peace. That ended with the arrival of Marduk, a new god (thus a new planet, born elsewhere).
The Enuma Elish says:

"In the chamber of Fates, the house of Destinies,
A god was engendered, most able and wisest of gods.
In the heart of holy Apsu was Marduk created.
His figure was well developed, the glance of his eyes was dazzling,
His growth was manly, he was mighty from the beginning.
...His figure was lofty and superior in comparison with the gods,
His limbs were surpassing, his nature was superior...

The narration describes the entering of Marduk into the Solar System; after a series of detours, his trajectory crosses that of Tiamat, hitting her first with one of his satellites:

"Be-l [The Lord] spread out his net and enmeshed her;
He let loose the Evil Wind, the rear guard, in her face.
Tia-mat opened her mouth to swallow it,
She let the Evil Wind in so that she could not close her lips.
The fierce winds weighed down her belly,
Her inwards were distended and she opened her mouth wide.
He let fly an arrow and pierced her belly,
He tore open her entrails and slit her inwards,
He bound her and extinguished her life,

Is this how the arrival of Nibiru into our Solar System could be like?